Top players in the Romanian wood industry report substantial losses

In 2023, the Romanian wood industry experienced a significant downturn, as evidenced…

Poland: Losses will be huge, wood industry companies will go bankrupt if government limits logging by 20%

Nearly PLN 28 billion (EUR 6.5 billion) in lost revenues annually, 70,000…

Overview of current trends in Northern Europe’s wood industry

The European wood industry is currently facing some challenging times. However, some…

Finland: The outlook for the forest industry is gradually brightening

The recovery of the global economy and the anticipated interest rate cuts…

Finland: The outlook for the forest industry is gradually brightening

The recovery of the global economy and the anticipated interest rate cuts…

Poland: Wood industry could be serious impacted by the 20% reduction in logging

The Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Wood Industry has presented an…

Austrian wood industry faces difficult times

“The  Austrian wood industry held up relatively well in 2023 in a…

Swedish wood industry sees bright prospects in EU, UK and US markets

Production and deliveries of Swedish wood products decreased slightly in 2023 compared…

German wood industry companies more optimistic about the coming six months

Overall, the mood in the German wood industry changed only slightly in…

International interest in Saudi market revealed at recent wood trade show

The Saudi Wood Show took place from 12 to 14 May, attracting…