Poland: Losses will be huge, wood industry companies will go bankrupt if government limits logging by 20%

Nearly PLN 28 billion (EUR 6.5 billion) in lost revenues annually, 70,000…

German wood industry companies more optimistic about the coming six months

Overall, the mood in the German wood industry changed only slightly in…

Large sawmill companies in Estonia forced to reduce production

Sawmills in Southeastern Estonia are continuing to have to reduce output and…

Russian wood processing companies start to increase production

The volume of wood processing products has increased in the Northwest and…

European sanctions hit Northwest Russia’s timber companies

Compared with last year, the volume of timber harvested and processed by…

Western companies are moving away production from China

Companies from the West are increasingly focusing on diversifying their manufacturing operations…

Two Estonian wood processing companies go bankrupt

Two wood processing companies have recently went bankrupt in Estonia, citing high…

ARAT takes over Höga Kusten and Loginor

The Swedish high-tech supplier for the sawmill and processing industry, ARAT AB, has…

Russian timber companies fallen into serious losses; ask for government help

A few days ago, the Russian timber industry, through regional officials, asked…

European woodworking and sawmill industries welcome EC’s legislative proposal on certification of carbon removals

The publication this week by the European Commission of a draft legislative…