Ottawa provides $148M for B.C.’s wildfire and flood recovery

Ottawa provides $148M for B.C.’s wildfire and flood recoveryJennifer Ellson The Government…

Post-Fiona forestry report suggests changes for resilient forests

Post-Fiona forestry report suggests changes for resilient forestsJennifer Ellson Updated analysis reveals…

Forest growth in P.E.I. outpaced forest harvest

Forest growth in P.E.I. outpaced forest harvestJennifer Ellson Prince Edward Island’s forests…

P.E.I. woodlot owners ask government for support from Fiona

P.E.I. woodlot owners ask government for support from FionaJennifer Ellson Woodlot owners…

Wildfire risk reduction project safeguards Northern B.C. community

Wildfire risk reduction project safeguards Northern B.C. communityJennifer Ellson A project to…

P.E.I. unveils preliminary post-Fiona forestry imagery

P.E.I. unveils preliminary post-Fiona forestry imageryJennifer Ellson The first updated satellite images…

Nova Scotia gives additional $5.7M for Fiona cleanup in forestry sector

Nova Scotia gives additional $5.7M for Fiona cleanup in forestry sectorJennifer Ellson…

N.S. forestry funding helps with Fiona damage, silviculture

N.S. forestry funding helps with Fiona damage, silvicultureJennifer Ellson More support is…

Today’s the last day to apply for P.E.I.’s disaster relief fund

Today’s the last day to apply for P.E.I.’s disaster relief fundJennifer Ellson…

P.E.I. hosts info sessions on Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance Program

P.E.I. hosts info sessions on Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance ProgramJennifer Ellson Prince…