Wood prices under pressure in Germany

Wood prices are also coming under pressure in Germany. One reason for…

Bark beetle infestation negatively impacts French softwood market

For spruce and fir in the East part of France, there was…

Czech State Forests report fall in prices due to bark beetle calamity

In the first half of the year, the gross profit of the…

Logging restrictions and falling demand cause falling log prices in Latvia

The decline in construction volumes has significantly reduced the need for construction…

Latvia limits forestry activity due to bark beetle spread

In order to limit the spruce bark beetle until September 1, forestry…

Latvian wood market impacted by the bark beetle, limited supply and falling prices

The Latvian wood market in April and May was still dictated by…

Czech Republic: The bark beetle is retreating and the state is therefore cutting subsidies to foresters

The retreat of the bark beetle calamity in the Czech Republic determined…

Czech Republic: Export of logs fall sharply due to bark beetle retreat; sawmills boost processing

For years, the Czech Republic has been the largest exporter of raw…

Challenges in Latvia’s wood industry: prices up and down, emergency situation due to the bark beetle

For a couple of days, an emergency situation has been in effect…

Bark beetle blue timber not well received on the European market

Swedish sawmills have received large quantities of timber attacked by spruce bark…