Why is logging decreasing in Sweden?

In 2023, felling fell by six percent, and felling was thus the…

US lumber prices dragged down by housing affordability and the post-pandemic bubble

The twin-peaked lumber bubble of 2021 and 2022 that once drove home…

UK softwood imports weaken due to difficulties in the supply chain in Northern Europe

Qfter a reasonable start to Q2, softwood market price levels started to…

Norra Timber modernizes Kåge and Sävar sawmills with new technology

By the end of June, the Swedish company Norra Timber’s investments announced…

Lumber Prices Go Lower as Summer Downtime Approaches

As the end of June loomed and the usual summer holiday slowdowns came into view, prices of many construction framing dimension softwood lumber commodities across North America dropped further. Veteran players shook their heads, questioning if the ongoing soft demand meant this year will be a write off. Lumber traders in the east, west, and […] The post Lumber Prices Go Lower as Summer Downtime Approaches first appeared on Madison’s Lumber Reporter.

Seppi M. introduces new flail mulcher S7 base

Seppi M. introduces new flail mulcher S7 baseJennifer Ellson Seppi M. has…

Falling trend in European softwood lumber exports in US

In the period from January to May 2024, European softwood lumber exports…

Versowood’s CEO: The sawmill industry expects the Japanese yen to strengthen and exports to pick up

Japan has been the largest export market in euro terms for Versowood,…

Top players in the Romanian wood industry report substantial losses

In 2023, the Romanian wood industry experienced a significant downturn, as evidenced…

Lumber prices go lower as summer downtime approaches: Madison’s

Lumber prices go lower as summer downtime approaches: Madison’sJennifer Ellson Demand for…