Estonian softwood log prices keep falling in June

Notably, the prices of pine logs and birch veneer logs decreased. The…

Rise in pine and spruce log prices in Germany

Persistent rain made timber harvesting impossible in large parts of Germany, particularly…

Sweden: Wood prices skyrocket as demand improves

The Swedish forest owners’ association Mellanskog has reported on historically large price…

Surge in pine and spruce log prices in Germany

The German producer price indices for spruce developed mostly upwards in March…

Finland: Higher log prices in April 2024

In standing sales in April, the average price paid for spruce logs…

Austria: Sawlog prices stagnate as sawmill industry is well stocked

The Austrian sawmilling industry is currently very well stocked with softwood sawlogs.…

Estonia: Log prices stable in March, but much lower YoY

The March wood market in Estonia is characterized primarily by price stagnation…

Austria: Sawlog prices facing downward pressure due to market saturation

The Austrian sawmill industry is well stocked with softwood logs, and the…

Latvia: Slow decline in roundwood prices

From November 2023 to January 2024, some fluctuations in the prices of…

Austria: Prices for spruce softwood sawlogs stabilize in March 2024

There’s a decline in sawn timber demand in Austria. Economic growth is…