Germany: Implementation of the EUDR unsuitable for practice

In an open letter to the German federal government as well as…

American hardwood exporters hire Dovetail Partners to assess EUDR impact

The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) commissioned Dovetail Partners to complete independent…

Tropical wood exporters already need to get prepared for EUDR

Issues surrounding implementation of EUDR featured heavily during the question-and-answer session with…

Action required now by wood suppliers to meet EUDR requirements

Tropical wood exporters to the EU need already to be collecting the…

New study examines the effects of the EUDR on the wood sector

The EU Deforestation-Free Supply Chain Regulation (EUDR) will soon replace the EU…

EUDR encourages development of comprehensive wood tracking framework inside the EU

One forest products sector characterised by both heavy reliance on smallholder, and…

Early insights into potential trade impacts of EUDR

The comments of policy makers and trade analysts in recent media articles…

EUDR: Policy dialogue heats up

Following passage of the EU Deforestation Regulation into law on 31 May…

17 producer countries protest against EU Deforestation Regulation

Indonesia and Brazil led over a dozen countries in seeking a voice…

Some sustainability certificates cannot satisfy due diligence required by the EUDR

At a recent event the First Counsellor for Environment, Climate Action and…