Study warns of impact from decommissioning of forest areas through political measures in Europe

On September 26, 2023, on the sidelines of AUSTROFOMA, Austria’s largest and…

The Austrian sawmill industry and the timber trade are calling for investments to combat the crises

“After the heat wave, there is a threat of frost,” is how…

Austria: Declining construction activity decreases demand for softwood roundwood

Austrian economic performance continues to decline. According to economic assessments, a trend reversal…

Austrian sawmill industry could decrease production by up to 20% in 2023

“After the heat wave, there is a threat of frost,” is how…

Austria: Softwood lumber prices halved in recent months

Sales of Austrian sawmills have collapsed: while the warehouses are full of…

Kronospan plans wood-based panel plant in Egypt

The Austrian wood-based panels manufacturer Kronospan is planning establishing a multi-purpose wood…

Rising wood pellet production in Europe

Recent increases in demand for pellets has supported further increase in domestic…

Austria: Wood prices have fallen sharply this year

After price records in the pandemic years 2020/2021, the sales markets for…

Austrian sawmills significantly reducing supply; sawlog prices crash

The general framework conditions on the Austrian wood market are therefore extremely…

Austria’s sawmills hit by low demand and production cutbacks

The entire European sawmill industry is currently facing difficult economic conditions. Increased…