Published / Reported by GLOBAL WOOD MARKETS INFO

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Sweden’s roundwood prices both sawlog and pulpwood assortments increased during the second quarter of 2022 in comparison to the first quarter of 2022. The sawlog price increased by 3 percent and pulpwood by almost 9 percent.

Regionally, the greatest increase in sawlog prices was in Norra Norrland, by almost 6 percent, followed by Svealand with 2 percent. In both Södra Norrland och Götaland the sawlog prices rose by 1 percent.

Regarding pulpwood prices, there are large regional differences, and the greatest increase was in Svealand by 14 percent while the pulpwood prices in Norra Norrland were unchanged. In Götaland the increase in pulpwood prices amounted to 7 percent while the increase in Södra Norrland was 4 percent.

Continued increase in comparison to the second quarter of 2021

When compared with the same quarter last year, then the development with increasing roundwood prices continues. Sawlog prices overall increased by 15 percent. Regionally, the sawlog prices increased by 12 percent in both Svealand and Södra Norrland. Also in Norra Norrland and Götaland prices increased, by 15 and 13 respectively.

Pulpwood prices overall increased by 17 percent. The increase was greatest in Götaland by almost 18 percent, followed by Svealand by almost 14 percent. Also, in Norrland the pulpwood price increased, by almost 9 percent in Södra Norrland and almost 7 percent in Norra Norrland.

Quarterly average prices, SEK per cubic meter solid volume excl. bark
Q2/2021 Q1/2022 Q2/2022
Pine sawlogs 495 (EUR 46.62) 558 (EUR 52.55) 580 (EUR 54.63)
Spruce sawlogs 530 (EUR 49.92) 590 (EUR 55.57) 608 (EUR 57.26)
Pine pulpwood 281 (EUR 26.47) 304 (EUR 28.63) 333 (EUR 31.36
Spruce pulpwood 285 (EUR 26.84) 307 (EUR 28.91) 334 (EUR 31.46)
Birch pulpwood 298 (EUR 28.07) 316 (EUR 29.76) 334 (EUR 31.46)


The post Sweden: Continued rise in prices for roundwood during the second quarter appeared first on Global Wood Markets Info.

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